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Your Satellite Office

Efficient and Affordable BPO Services Tailored to Your Business Needs 

Customer Care 

We believe that our clients do not need products, they need solutions that give them benefits supported by strategies, and product functionalities.

Our different processes and contact solutions are more than just answering phone calls: 

We connect with your customers by providing solutions!


Live chat        

The process will start with your customers, initiating a chat with the company's website or app. The bot will interact with an automated response or offer pre-defined resolution.

Your customers can select a human contact with our GWS-Teams, with a complete customer service training that delights your users and fuels your business, which results in reduced Cost per Contact, better ROI, and higher overall Customer Experience

Voice Services

We provide real time voice contact, inbound and outbound transactions. This includes extensive experience with cutting edge IVR technology, automatic call distribution & routing, and call queueing, all while maintaining brand voice and alignment

Email & SMS

By leveraging customer data, our email & SMS specialists provide customers with the answers they need, resolving issues as quickly as possible. Our responsive email & SMS program is key to a successful multichannel customer service solution

Social Media

With Our social solution teams, we support marketing campaigns, develop training and certification programs. Social Media management includes community monitoring, engagement, social care, risk management and insights, moderation. We provide technology recommendations

Customer Care

Back Office Support 

Delegating activities to Back office GWS-Teams will bring a contingent of workers for non-client-facing services. These include administration and support personnel in departments such as accounting, IT, supply chain, HR, internal communications, and more. This form of support continues to branch out into other Back office subtypes, including Accounting, Invoicing, Virtual Assistance, Data analysis, IT-Enabled Services (ITES), Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO), and Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO). 


Many types of non-client-facing operations are frequently outsourced due to the technical knowledge required to perform a service. Paralegals, IT technicians, accountants, and more are examples of positions outsourced due to technical complexity and required expertise.  Back Office GWS-Teams provide businesses with access to valuable knowledge and skill sets that are not dependent on in-house infrastructure.

We are part of your organization Near Shore!

Back Office


Our GWS-Teams Sales model will support the process of handing over all or part of your sales, whether that's a direct sales process, order taking or cross selling, in order to ideally simplify and speed up your sales. 

GWS-Team will support your organization with:


- Present, promote and sell packages, room reservations, special events, gift cards and products and services, using solid arguments to existing and prospective customers

- Develop and maintain positive business and customer relationships

- Reach out to customer leads through cold calling (outbound calls).

- Achieve agreed upon sales targets and outcomes within schedule

- Coordinate sales effort with team members and other departments

- Supply management with reports on customer needs, problems, interests, competitive activities, and potential for new products and services.



Purchase Logistics & Order delivery 


At GWS-Teams we coordinate your Order Processing, fulfilling the orders of retail customers in USA and all Latin America, including placing orders in US, executing payments, constant interaction between the two parties, international shipping to the customers location, tracking in packages in US and on the way to destination.


Dispatching -Transportation Coordination


Our GWS-Teams will schedule and dispatch drivers your transportation vehicles or equipment to appropriate locations according to predetermined schedules, customer requests or immediate needs. We provide solutions of real time tracking of vehicles and behavioral follow up.


  • Relay information such as work orders or other messages to and from drivers and driving assistants. 


  • Our GWS-Teams will speak with supervisors or customers to resolve problems, requests for services or equipment.  Coordinate assignments of bus drivers, bus routes, vehicles, and substitutes for morning, mid-day, afternoon and night shifts.


  • Dispatch drivers and vehicles and communicate with them using software, telephone and two-way radio (IP)


Recruitment Process

Our scalable recruitment process outsourcing solutions help your business succeed

Our recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) is all about finding the right people to accomplish your organization's full potential. Our approach: we listen, understand your needs and build a talent acquisition team that can adapt and evolve with your business. We've been partnering with clients around the world across all types of industries, building bespoke recruitment solutions for needs varying in size and complexity for more than 15 years.


As part of a global organizational consultancy and backed by decades of experience, we ensure that every part of the talent acquisition journey works for your organization. That's why we are leaders in RPO.


We work alongside you. Our global recruitment GWS-Teams are full of local experts — analyzing the latest RPO market insights, understanding your company's specific needs and finding candidates that are the right fit for your team. We understand the nuances that make a big difference in recruiting the best talent.

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